
Old-School Solo Adventures

Created by Douglas H. Cole

Four programmed adventures written for Old-School Essentials. Play them Choose-Your-Own style, or with a referee.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

NPC and Monster Reference Cards -WIP Preview
over 2 years ago – Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 05:47:18 AM

Here's a preview of the quick reference card design that will be available as an add-on for the campaign.

The cards will be available as 3.5 x 5" (both wider and taller than standard tarot size) printed by a professional card printer (if you've got my Decks of Destiny cards, same die and card weight).

There will be a slightly different design for the Monster stat blocks, which I'll reveal tomorrow.

Just wanted to show you what I'm working on!

One of the cards in the pack will be explanatory iconography, though most are hopefully pretty obvious:

  • Shield with AC: Armor class (descending [ascending])
  • Heart with HD: Hit Dice/Hit Points
  • Footprint with MV: Movement
  • Sword Striking Shield with 0: THAC0 [hit bonus]
  • Skull: Save vs. Death or Poison
  • Wand: Save vs Wand
  • Medusa: Save vs Paralysis
  • Dragon: Save vs Breath Weapon
  • Sparklies: Save vs Spells

Halfway there...and a new goal approaches
over 2 years ago – Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 07:55:56 PM

Dark Lord's Doom - Laid Out!

First is a bit of progress. Dark Lord's Doom is ready for final read-through and playtest. I converted all the things (I think...that's what the final read-through is for!), and all the art is in place, and it fits nicely into the page allotments. I had to tweak it out a few times, but eventually I got it where it needed to be.

Glynn Seal (of Monkeyblood Design and Publishing) is on tap to help me get all the maps updated to the proper format and size scale (5' squares). I think he was talking about a day or two turn-around.

So that's half the books done, two more to go. I'm hoping to rip through those in the next eight days, leaving the final few days for something else, and tweaking based on play reports.

Two pages (not facing pages) from Dark Lord's Doom

Halfway to the End!

The campaign passed its halfway point ... well, sometime today. As I see it, we're doing very well. Some of this is apparent to backers, but some isn't.

Where We Stand

  • We hit 500 backers today. That puts us in the middle of the pack for total backers, but considering we're only halfway, that's not a bad place to be.
  • We have an astonishing 1,191 followers, which is more than 200 people higher than my previous record (my prior campaign) for The Fantasy Trip, and 400 more than my Norlondr Bestiary, which is the record for most-backed of all my campaigns to date.
  • One thing I can see but you can't is the number of those 1,191 followers who haven't backed yet. I mean, it needs to be more than half, of course. But thus far, we have over 1,000 people following the campaign who have not yet backed it. This has interesting implications for the last two days...if I can determine what those people are waiting for!
  • The daily funding track on BackerTracker shows remarkably robust performance since the initial first six days. We're averaging something like 17 new backers and roughly $760 per day, which means that we can probably expect to pick up another 150-170 people before the 48-hour race begins. That will put the campaign in striking distance of "most-backed Gaming Ballistic campaign" ever even before that crucial last 48 hours.

Finally, that brings us to conversion. The best campaign I've ever run had 52% followers to backer ratio. If we hit that right now, we'd add another 470 people, putting the campaign within spitting distance of that magical 1,000-backer level. Magical? Seems that way to me.

But "best-ever conversion" aside...if we wind up at 660 folks when the 48-hour bell sounds (160 new backers over the next 10 days, which is a bit less than average for what we've been doing), then to hit that 1,000 backer mark, we'd need about a third of follower-not-backed to come on board. That's...entirely reasonable.

So, let's see...

Quick Reference Cards!

Glynn and I have a history of working productively together, and we've come up with a concept to put all of the monsters, PCs, and NPCs in these four books into a set of quick-reference cards. These will be both digital and printed on 3.5 x 5" card stock (if you've seen some of my Decks of Destiny's the same card die). They'll look something like this, based on some preliminary work Glynn and I have done. These particular cards are a combination of actual characters and art and some placeholder text for spacing.

These are the PC versions. The layout is so that if you use stands similar to those used for cardboard miniatures, the GM or player can see the stats, while everyone else sees the art on the back. The monster cards will have a different layout. BOTH cards are likely moving to icon-based markers for attacks, equipment, saving throws, and a few others. Different colors on the edges for different card families, since color coding can be useful. Work in progress!

One thing I'll look to do is make all the fonts and text sizes as large as possible. There's a lot of blank space on some of these cards that can be used to improve readability.

I'll keep folks up to date on this...but once I have it finalized, you can probably expect me to toss down the project's only stretch goal...if we cross that magical backer threshold, everyone will get digital versions of these cards, depending on which adventures you pick out. Get all four? Cards for each. Get one? Cards for that one.

Please Share!

The best way to help the project succeed is to talk about it. Forums, twitter, discord, talking about the project is almost always more effective than me talking about it. Even so: sharing or retweeting one of my posts on r/osr or the OSE facebook group or my @GMingBallistic account on twitter really does help...and the referral stats prove it.

That's it for tonight...we've got another 12 days in the campaign, so buckle up. I get the feeling the last few days are going to be pretty exciting!

Ballistic's Report for Week Ending Aug 12
over 2 years ago – Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 08:45:24 AM

I may be the only person at Gaming Ballistic, but it's still a business, and I like to keep folks up to date on what I'm doing now, and doing next.  

This was an odd week this time, with some amazing "just keep hitting F5 until you believe it" and some sluggish work that's starting to turn around. 

  • Till Death Shipping is complete.
  • Shields Up has begun playtesting and even a bit of fight-testing in earnest. A few good points of correction made, one big on around “thou shalt not nerf existing characters.” It wasn’t a big nerf, but it was a nerf, and that will be un-nerfed.
  • Serpents of Legend saw more progress, including discussions with a new artist over the cover. We had some really fun ideas on that one.
  • The OSE Solo Adventures Kickstarter continues to do very well.
    As of this morning, it’s got 444 backers and $19,900 (give or take)
    It has at the very least done what I needed it to do from an income perspective, and the project is not even half-over yet
    Speaking of the end, it’s already crushed my prior record for campaign followers, with almost 1,100 total, and only 140 of those have pledged. So over 950 people are “following but not backed.” I’m not sure exactly what they’re looking for, or if they’ll jump in late…but if they do, we’re probably looking at anywhere from 240-380 people in a final surge.
  • I was – and still am – concerned that a 23- or 24-day Kickstarter was 7 days too long. I still have that concern. But a late rally on Thursday maintained a good slope. This is a big deal for me in a lot of ways, which I’ll touch on later.
  • I did a bunch of editing on Dark Lord’s Doom, but not as much as I hoped. I do think I’ll finish the manuscript tweaks today and get it into final form by the end of the wekend, though. Then it’s on to Belladonna and Dragon Hunt, which I expect to be harder because of the special abilities of the critters.
  • Even more behind the scenes work, but that should be petering off soon.
  • Steve Jackson Games 2022 Pyramid Scheme Kickstarter came to a successful end. They ran a simultaneous sale and counted purchase of GURPS products on Warehouse 23 towards stretch goals. That was a big different and an excellent strategy: $17,533 raised in Kickstarter (which would have cleared the 44-page stretch goal in a squeaker), but another $13,596 in their company store brought the total to a highly respectable $31,000. Backer count was solid at over 1,400
  • I have done three interviews with folks talking about gaming stuff over the last week, and two of them are live. Check them out in my media section.

Gaming Ballistic Patreon

To help with ongoing funding of art and speed eventual time to delivery, Gaming Ballistic started a Patreon in January 2021. Here’s the weekly update on Patreon status.

  • Membership status: 61 patrons and $456 per month.
  • Special Content in August: Preview of Shields Up. Preview of monster stats for Serpents of Legend.

Steady in July. I know what I need to do for 2023 to help with this, but I need some breathing room to do it.

Gaming Ballistic in Media

  • I was on Talking Crit with Tenkar and Bad Mike, and we chatted for two hours. Robert Douglas, one of my playtesters and frequent backers, said “…those two hours flew by,” so apparently it was at least entertaining.
  • I recorded Old-School Essentials with Che Webster, and it’s up and live.
  • The interview I did with one of the Steves at Me and Steve Talk RPGs won’t be up until early next week (late Monday or early Tuesday) but in the meantime, check out their other work
  • Rob Conley of Bat in the Attic posted a short review of the version of Till Death Do Us Part that I sent him, the first of the four to be “basically complete.”

Currently Manufacturing/Fulfilling/Shipping

Projects where hardcopies and PDFs are going out or scheduled to do so.

  • All past projects are in the “Gaming Ballistic is finished with these” stage. I continue to get “package was delivered” on some stragglers of TDDUP, and the international packages have all gone out and are arriving…but this is in the “wait and see” stage.
  • Some time this next week I’ll ensure that comp copies go out for ALL products via DriveThruRPG from TDDUP if I haven’t already.

Crowdfunding and Product Launches

Old-School Solo Adventures

  • Launched Aug 4 at 10am. Funded by 11am. Currently flirting with the $20,000 mark.
  • This is a very healthy project, in actuality and even more in potential. Various projections put the final total near $36-38K, which is dancing around 800-850 backers. Maybe more. So
  • Glynn Seal of MonkeyBlood Design and Publishing and I chatted and worked out something that should see the light of day on this project, probably in a week or so, maybe just in the Backerkit phase…but we’ll see if folks like it and want it. Yeah, yeah, cryptic I know.

Product Announcements

The full Product Catalog has been updated for Spring 2022 and probably needs an update for Summer 2022.

Let Us Rejoice! is a systemless exploration of festivals and gatherings as great ways to make a world come alive. Uses and collects the Nordlond material that is scattered over several books as examples, but also goes further than that. This will be GB’s first systemless release, it was aimed at mid-August, but since that’s three days away, that’s not happening. I really wanted to get this into 2022, but it may slip into 2023. That’s not a problem as such; having a robust “what’s coming next” is good.

Serpents of Legend. Formerly “Bestiary Project 1,” this is partially just a book of cool snake-themed monsters written by Marko Vujnovic (the Chaotic GM). But it also contains some serious serpent-related cosmology for Nordlond, and a really nifty section on snake cults. More work, this time on the rules and prose section. When fighting critters the size of hills, you might need guidance for fighting a monster while standing on top of the monster.

Shields Up! Testable draft in hand! Author paid. Fight-test … starts now if you’re a Patreon subscriber.

In Development

Writing and content creation for announced projects. Some of this may be cryptic.

  • The “Bugstiary.” Contract signed. Work slower than anticipated (which itself was anticipated). This one is looking at 32 pages, and much more of a strict bestiary book of cool bug-and-insect themed monsters.
  • Delvers to Grow Companion. Some new professions. A whole bunch of new disad packages. Epic Upgrades. Who knows what else will strike me? September/October plan. I know what I want to do with this one, and shall get on it as soon as this OSE project is finished.
  • Gear Catalog 1? There’s a good start at what is probably a nice 32-page book, maybe a bit more. Also DFRPG. I’ve talked with a potential author on this one and we need to work out a few things, but not in a bad way.
  • Inns and Taverns, by Marshall LaPira. Systemless. Still postponed indefinitely. A good time for this would either be along with Let Us Rejoice (in a few months) so probably next year.
  • Two Warring Houses, by Douglas Cole. Systemless. Actually saw some writing over Valentine’s Day. On hold as other things come first.
  • Infinite Archipelago is going to be my new framework for settings that should cross over systems. I have plans for TFT/OSE version of Nordlond, plus more, that GMs will be able to pick and choose and place what’s there. It implies sea travel in many ways, so there are ideas around that. Looking forward to this as a building block for 2023.
  • Secret TFT Setting by David Pulver. Chatted with David about plans for this, and there’s a hole in his schedule at the end of the year. Chatted more, and liking how it works.
  • Secret Nordlond-ish Setting by [CENSORED].
  • OSE Conversions of Character Collections. I don’t see why not. Monsters, ready-to-go PCs/NPCs with just enough background to make ‘em interesting. Some art for visualization. I may work on this together with two other CC volumes I’d like to make, so they hit as a six-book bundle.

The two settings are part of a grand plan you’ll be seeing more of next year.

I note that for new authors, Delvers to Grow and Bestiary entries are fantastic ways to get into the game, as such projects lend themselves very well to focused writing and fast turn-around. The new concept that I’m shopping around to my circle of authors and contributors will be another entry…but the nature of the concepts requires a firm hand on the wheel for gamer utility. So not going public with that yet.


Bits of news and items that put a monkey in the wrench.

  • Yet another business trip for my wife, who is playing Construction Manager in Del Rio, Texas. When I say “playing,” I really mean “rocking it,” because as her last lead construction contractor said, “Look, if you have any questions, just ask Alina, because she’s f---king knowledgeable.” She’s off building plants to help turn cow poop into usable gas rather than just release the byproducts into the atmosphere. It’s really cool work.
  • Didn’t really get as much done this last week as I wanted on DLD, but...

Fair Winds

Information about things that move GB forward.

  • The OSE project is really looking friendly, and may enable some shenanigans with how I compensate myself as Gaming Ballistic (involving arcane things like S-Corp) that will have me much less frantic about eating each month.
  • Till Death got done in less than two months.
  • Shields Up is looking really good.
  • Liking the way that other project is looking.
  • Got an order for a new Viking-style weighted sword that will be a great challenge. The user is a really big guy, and he wants a sword with a 36” blade and embedded metal in it to get the weight and balance right. Will be the largest such commission ever for me.
  • Part of me can’t help but wonder if I’ll actually cross the 1,000-backer mark this time. It doesn’t seem likely…but it’s also not implausible.
  • GameCrafter’s prices have gotten darn reasonable for funky counters and existing 1” square ones. I wonder if it’s time to re-investigate them for future products.
  • Also, had an amazing day yesterday on my Shopify store. Moved all sorts of product, mostly DFRPG stuff, including two “all the Nordlond” bundles, one in physical and one PDF. That’s a good day.
  • One of the key things that the OSE success (and hopefully rest of year projects) brings is some ability to go "head-down" on some larger projects...such as the oft-mentioned but daunting Mission X RPG, Powered by GURPS. So I'm really starting to give more than side-eye to that project.

Finding Gaming Ballistic

If needed, you can find me all over the place:

New Pledge Level: Build Your Own Physical
over 2 years ago – Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 11:31:06 AM

A quirk (though a useful one) of Kickstarter's pledge system is that physical add-ons can only be made to pledges which are tagged as having physical or physical-and-digital rewards.

The first pledge tier with physical rewards isthe "all four solos" level. The "follow the campaign" pledge is just that. So there was no way to use the add-on method to do a la carte pledge building.

In any case...that was my mistake, now rectified.

There's now a Build Your Own Physical Pledge level, for $1...which is tagged for physical and digital add-ons and allows all of the add-ons to be tacked on as you like. The existing pledge levels remain the most deeply discounted...but for those who want to pick and choose between physical/pdf and have your option now!

Since it came up during the podcast last night, I'm also adding my Dungeon Grappling PDF and Print+PDF products as add-ons. Look for those soon.

Live Podcast Tonight! Talking Crit with Erik Tenka
over 2 years ago – Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 10:20:29 AM

Erik and I have been friends for years now, ever since we became acquainted during my early blogging days and I joined him in his game, on the invitation of my other friend, co-author, contributor, and all-around good guy Peter Dell'Orto (coauthor of GURPS Martial Arts, The Crypt of Krysuvik, and many more articles and books).

Here're the notes I took about my first experience back in the OSR with Erik, in 2014.

In any case, we've known each other for 8 years or more, and he's been in my corner ever since I proved I could run a Kickstarter and deliver the goods. He's since said nice things like this.

Regardless, I'll be joining Erik at 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central time tonight on Talking Crit

As I write this, there are 882 folks following this campaign who have not yet pledged, and another 400+ who are already on board. This is a great opportunity to jump on, listen, and ask questions. I'm sure Erik will ask me about running Kickstarters, logistics, and my return to playing in the OSR space. If you have particular questions, I always do my best to speak forthrightly about any topic related to RPGs and the business thereof.

If you can't make it, you can always find me on various places on the web, with Discord and Facebook being my top two, and of course I'm on twitter. I do have an ill-used YouTube channel which has some really fun interviews...including one with Erik himself.