
Old-School Solo Adventures

Created by Douglas H. Cole

Four programmed adventures written for Old-School Essentials. Play them Choose-Your-Own style, or with a referee.

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Books Damaged in UK, Working to Resolve
over 2 years ago – Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 12:36:19 PM

Dragon Hunt took a beating in its trip from Mixam-UK to GamesQuest.

The other five books seem to have come through OK, with 72 of 70 ordered (?!) arriving intact and being checked into their inventory system for Dark Lord's Doom, Till Death Do Us Part, Vampire Hunter Belladonna, and it looks like 5-6 arriving of 5 printed of Dungeon Grappling.

These books were pretty thrashed:

I have a lot more pictures, but something like 3 books in 4 were damaged beyond the point they could be accepted by GamesQuest.

And in the midst of this, let's give some praise where due: GQ was looking out for you guys, and rightly rejected the substandard books, rather than shipping them out and making it your (and my) problem.

I'm going to look to have these reprinted, which will probably take 5-10 days. It's only the one book, and even if they put up a fuss about cost, it's not so much of an overrun I can't just write the check, as it were.

Cards progressing nicely
over 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 09:16:21 AM

Today I reviewed the PDF proofs for the cards, and not only did I not muck up the formatting, but the proof looks really good.

My card vendor is also ahead of the game on boxes and labels!

That's  a 5x7x2" box, with 4x6 labels ready to be applied. 

As far as I can tell, as soon as they have an opening in the schedule, they'll rip out 100 boxes worth of cards (two 92-card decks per box) and I'll drive over to pick them up.

I'm still expecting the new books by the end of next week here in the USA, and the UK Hub books have probably already been delivered. As soon as we resolve an inventory transfer question at GamesQuest, the 22 orders with Rules Tomes in them will be ready to go. I don't anticipate this until next week, because it always takes a bit to check inventory into the system.

But fulfillment looks to be on track to be well underway the week before Halloween.

(This will all change if the books are misprinted or damaged or whatnot...but let's hope otherwise.)

Finalizing Surveys for non-answered
over 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 08:25:38 PM

I'm going to start processing through surveys that are $1 "follow the campaign" with no additional answer as well as those PDF-only folks who have no outstanding balance.

Card Deck Clean-up: Complete as I can do it
over 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 12:24:53 AM

I went through and cleaned up about a dozen errors, from wrong armor class for a particular NPC to the wrong color for bonuses, plus some odd "ligature" things where flight and effort were printed as ?ight and e?ort. It's a weird InDesign thing.

Another weird InDesign thing: Despite having the fonts purchased and installed, I was getting "Font Not Allowed" errors. As Adobe has way, way more money than I do to ensure that even their software glitches have nigh-on the force of law (Law of Gravity law, not "we'd like you to not park here" law) ... it was just easier to sub out some fonts.

So, this version is what's going to print. It'll take a few hours of boredom on my part before the printable file is ready, but as soon as it is, it'll go over to artiforge for printing.

JPEG Map Files for VTT Use
over 2 years ago – Sun, Oct 09, 2022 at 11:44:25 PM

One of your fellow backers reminded me kindly that many people - heck, including myself - play on VTTs these days.

So I created JPG files of the maps for the four solos, ZIPped them up, and put them in as a download for you guys. 

These are big, so be prepared. But this should make it easier for  you guys to get the games going on a VTT, and fully enjoy Glynn Seal's wonderful maps. These are for personal use, of course - they're not open or for distribution - but now you don't have to rip 'em out of the PDF.